Sunday 3 March 2013

The Benefits of Sea Kelp – A Solution for Acne Sufferers

Acne can hit you at almost any time in your life from teenage years through to your older more mature years. Unfortunately acne holds no bounds.

Suffering from the effects of acne in your teenage years can be extremely difficult but when it appears later on in life then things can become somewhat embarrassing, as many people think “this shouldn’t be happening to me at this age”.

Perhaps you are now suffering from acne and need to find a solution to help control it. Have you tried skincare products containing sea kelp?

Kelp extract, also known as Durvillaea potatorum (kelp) aqueous extractis and often referred to as sea kelp or seaweed is an effective ingredient in dealing with acne.

It is perfect for people with oily or combination skin types. Why? It moisturises without supplying extra oil. Yes the challenge combination skin or acne sufferers often face is that they have oil on the one hand, and yet at the same time also have dry patches.

Sea kelp is firming, healing and soothing for any skin type and is incredibly effective for normal and dry skin, as it is a powerful and nutritious moisturiser. That’s why it is great for combination skin types.

For thousands of years herbalists have used sea kelp to treat an array of problems. Kelp is rich in many minerals and active ingredients, moisturizing your skin and providing nutrients at the same time. It contains over 60 vitamins and minerals which are needed by your body to help it function well. And, it contains high levels of Iodine which support your thyroid naturally. Why is that important? The thyroid gland controls our metabolism, which can help keep your weight in check, while boosting your energy levels too.

Sea kelp can help regulate the oil production of your skin, remove bacteria and reduce redness with the help of its anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains elements that help remove toxins and can easily penetrate the skin for instant hydration and helping to keep your skin smooth.

It can be used as a natural exfoliator, helping to remove dead skin cells, which can cause blocked pores and further acne breakouts.

Research has also shown that kelp extract, can help prevent wrinkles with its rich moisturizing advantage. Kelp can also help prevent the breakdown of elastin and collagen, promoting a youthful appearance.

Integrity Cosmetics certified organic skincare products containing kelp include;

·         Protecting Moisturiser – for all skin types

·         Nourishing Moisturiser – for Combination/acne prone skin

·         Rejuvenating Moisturiser – for dry/mature skin