Saturday 5 January 2013

Breast Cancer

- How aware are you?

Join Integrity during October and show your support in raising money for research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer. During the month of October $1 from every product sold will be donated to the NBCF.

The NBCF is the leading community-funded national organisation in Australia raising money for research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer. Since the NBCF was established in 1994, over $66 million has been awarded to Australian-based researchers across every state and territory to improve the health and wellbeing of those affected by breast cancer.

What to look for:

Look for any changes in the breast which are not normal for you, or which you have not seen before. You should visit a GP if you notice any of the following important changes:

  • Lump, lumpiness or thickening: for younger women, if it is not related to the normal monthly cycle and remains after their period and for women of all ages, if this is a new change in one breast only
  • Changes to the nipple: such as a change in shape, crusting, a sore or ulcer, redness or indrawing of the nipple
  • Discharge from the nipple: which is from one nipple and is bloodstained or occurs without squeezing
  • Changes in the skin of the breast: such as any puckering or dimpling of the skin, unusual redness or other colour change
  • Persistent unusual pain: which is not related to the normal monthly cycle, remains after their period and it occurs in one breast only
  • A change in the shape or size of a breast: this might be either an increase or a decrease in size.

Breast cancer becomes more common as you grow older, so knowing what is normal for your breasts is just as important after menopause.


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