Saturday 5 January 2013

Tips for Acne Management

Acne has to be one of the highest priorities to deal with when people are asked about their skin care challenges. One myth held by many people dealing with acne is that the number one priority to clear and radiant skin is to reduce the oil that their skin produces. In actual fact the natural oils our skin produces play an important role in protecting our skin and are just that – natural.

If you have acne it is advisable to be gentle with your skin care and beauty regime and to use natural products so as not to aggravate your skin and the acne any further. Harsh cleansing, scrubbing or exfoliating should be avoided as should the over use of cosmetics and the use of incorrect products. So what’s an incorrect product?

Funnily enough many of us love the feel of squeaky clean skin, however this can be counter productive as this end result often due to stripping your skin of it’s natural goodness which can aggravate it too. Harsh cleansers and soaps can strip your skin of it’s natural and protective oils. For example SLS also known as sodium lauryl sulphate contained in most cleansers, to create a foaming effect is harsh and may have your skin feeling squeaky clean, but is likely to irritate acne prone skin and is best avoided.

Instead try a pure and natural, certified organic cleanser such as the Integrity Cosmetics Nourishing Cleanser or Purifying Cleanser which provides an ever so gentle exfoliation at the same time as cleansing your skin. For more information see our organic cleanser

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